Piegādātājs: SIA 'Latvia Tours'

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2013-02-21   Provision of professional event organisation services in Europe and in the Republic of Latvia for BEREC and BEREC... (Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC Office))
The BEREC Office is seeking to conclude (a) framework service contract(s) for the provision of professional event organisation services in the Republic of Latvia (lot 1) and Europe-wide (lot 2) for BEREC and BEREC Office events. Tenderers are allowed to submit an offer for 1 or more lots. Detailed information about the scope of each lot is presented in 'Information about lots'. The framework service contract(s) will be concluded for an initial duration of 1 year. Subject to budgetary availability and … Apskatīt iepirkumu »
Minētie piegādātāji: SIA 'Komunikācijas aģentūra' SIA 'Latvia Tours'