Iepirkumi: European Commission Representation in Latvia

Viens arhivēts iepirkums

European Commission Representation in Latvia vēsturiski ir bijis pircējs notekūdeņu, atkritumu, tīrīšanas un vides pakalpojumi, tīrīšanas un sanitārijas pakalpojumi un uzkopšanas pakalpojumi.

Nesen veiktie iepirkumi European Commission Representation in Latvia

2011-10-07   Office cleaning services for the European Union House in Riga (European Commission Representation in Latvia)
This is an interinstitutional call for tender. 2 institutions are parties to this contract, the European Parliament and the European Commission, which is the lead institution for this call for tender. The purpose of this contract is the cleaning services to be provided in premises occupied by the European Parliament and European Commission in Riga. Cleaning services to be performed include, on the one hand, scheduled services on a daily basis (Monday–Friday), according to a cleaning programme for the … Apskatīt iepirkumu »
Minētie piegādātāji: SIA Impel Servics