Piegādātājs: SAS 'Manpower Lit' filiale 'Manpower Lit'

Viens arhivēts iepirkums

Nesenie iepirkumi, kuros minēts piegādātājs SAS 'Manpower Lit' filiale 'Manpower Lit'

2021-03-31   Provision of Interim Workers Services to the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) (Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office))
The objective of this call for tenders is the conclusion of a framework contract in cascade with up to 3 (three) contractors for the provision of interim workers services to the BEREC Office. Apskatīt iepirkumu »
Minētie piegādātāji: Civitta International OU Infeurope SA SAS 'Manpower Lit' filiale 'Manpower Lit' SIA 'WD Latvia'