Piegādātājs: Formato Verde – Comunicação, Formação e Gestão de Conteúdos, Lda

Viens arhivēts iepirkums

Nesenie iepirkumi, kuros minēts piegādātājs Formato Verde – Comunicação, Formação e Gestão de Conteúdos, Lda

2020-08-21   Provision of Services in Support of Communications (Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office))
This call for tenders is divided into three lots: Lot 1: Graphic design and production of communications and promotional items; Lot 2: Development and production of the website design; Lot 3: Content development, organisation of communications campaigns and provision of consultancy for communications activities. Apskatīt iepirkumu »
Minētie piegādātāji: Adria Congrex S.R.L. Agentura GATE s.r.o. Brussels Consulting Tanacsado Korlatolt... Formato Verde – Comunicação, Formação e... Michael Kabat Michal Bohac StrategyWise Sp. z.o.o. S.p.k. UAB Mediapark ZN SRL