2020-11-03   Information and Communication Services for the ‘European Union House’ of the European Commission Representation in Latvia (European Commission, COMM — Communication, COMM.DGA1.C.RI — Riga — Representation Latvia)
One of the tasks of the Representation of the European Commission in Latvia (ECR) in Latvia is to communicate about the European Union policies to the Latvian audience. To complete this task the two EU offices jointly run the so called Eurupean Union House located in Riga. A call for tenders will be launched to cover the services, subject of the framework contract, needed by the European Commission Representation in Latvia, Riga. Apskatīt iepirkumu »
2018-12-10   Interim Workers Services for the BEREC Office (Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC Office))
The BEREC Office is seeking to conclude a framework contract for the provision of interim workers services. Apskatīt iepirkumu »
2017-11-02   HR technical assistance and language training services (BEREC Office)
Provision of HR technical assistance and language training services for the BEREC Office. Apskatīt iepirkumu »